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Learn how to write effective and compelling historical fiction

Historical fiction combines the events of the past with characters and stories from the writer’s imagination. This course examines the art of writing historical fiction and the need to fully immerse yourself in a particular time period to make your storytelling more believable. Learn how to write effective, authentic and appealing historical fiction and how to turn your ideas into compelling stories.... read more

Copywriting for Business

I offer a number of writer services for business. The way in which you communicate with your customers is a vital component of your business and well written content can be the difference between success and failure. I have extensive experience in writing for a wide range of industries and market segments. I offer a variety of copywriting services including website content, blogs and newsletters, social... read more

The Benefits of a Writing Coach

A professional writing coach is someone with whom you can consult, ask questions and receive constructive feedback. They act as a guide as you build your career as a professional writer. A coach can help you conquer a stumbling block, regain momentum or make a start on a new project. My program helps you progress as a writer. You decide what you want to work on during a personalized, one on one... read more

Konn Lavery’s New Supernatural Thriller Novel: Crystal Moth Conspiracy

Today, my guest is fellow Canadian author Konn Lavery. He grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, while being a homeschooled vegetarian. A horror and dark fantasy writer, graphic designer, and lover of industrial music, let’s welcome him to the blog to chat about his latest novel, Crystal Moth Conspiracy.   Thanks for having me, Simon. A quick one-sentence pitch would be: Lola Cabello is a fugitive... read more

Shadowzone – “a great read … Highly recommend this series!”

“Time travel, alternate worlds, and societal sub-cultures are blended into a great plot, and a gripping and relevant read. The environmental stewardship aspect of this story echoes our current day challenges, as do the almost prescient references to a dangerous virus. Characters were well drawn and the reader is cheering for their success. The three books in the series flow smoothly together. A great... read more

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