
The Importance of Professional Editing

You’ve finished your first novel after years of painstaking work. You’re sure it could be a best seller and everyone you know is very enthusiastic. Yet your manuscript is returned by publishers, with a form letter providing no clues as to why they didn’t like it. Having your work independently evaluated gives you an unbiased opinion, helping you to tighten your manuscript and fix problems you may... read more

Writing in the Holiday Season: Part Five – Sources of Inspiration

Even at Christmas, activities unrelated to writing can often unlock your inspiration. These include wrapping gifts, stringing lights, decorating the tree and house, or even more everyday tasks such as doing laundry, walking the dog, tidying the house, or washing the dishes after a family meal. It’s surprising how even the most mundane situations can launch you on the road to your next story. Ideas might... read more

Writing in the Holiday Season: Part Four – Seasonal Stories

In the holiday season, an interesting exercise designed to get a story moving is to randomly use a collection of presents or Christmas decorations drawn from a bag. You then create a story in which these objects must all be used as a significant part of the narrative. You then draw out four or five at random and use them to create your story. This type of exercise always sparks the imagination and... read more

Writing in the Holiday Season: Part Three – Creative Opportunities

Despite the mayhem of the Christmas season, the final weeks of the year still present considerable opportunities for writers. You might even find the missing piece of the puzzle that allows you to create your masterpiece or at least get some really great ideas. Consider an overheard conversation and where it might lead. How about “there’s no way I’m inviting him to our house for Christmas ever... read more

Writing in the Holiday Season: Part Two – Finding Time

For many of us, December is a very busy period that requires good time management. For example, if you normally try to write a certain number of pages or words each day at other times of the year, the occasional day might have to be cancelled due to family duties. However, in December it can seem as if you lose entire weeks of your creative time. There’s shopping, cooking, planning, and the kids... read more

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