Jun 2, 2015
Working for Free: Part Seven – There’s No Budget
Some potential clients will be very honest right at the outset regarding their inability to pay you. They might state very clearly in their first email that they have little or no budget for the proposed project. Every situation is different, but it’s wise to mention money very early in any email exchange. This applies even if the client is initially only inquiring about your experience and... read more
May 30, 2015
Working for Free: Part Six – It’s Great Exposure
Sometimes a potential client might explain that although there’s no money to pay you, you’ll get great exposure and that there’s a high probability of future paid work? Should you consider doing this for free? As tempting as it is, it’s wise to ask for further information about this offer that’s supposedly going to put you on the map. Ask for more details about what kind of exposure you’re... read more
May 28, 2015
A Taste of Local Authors
Tonight I’ll be appearing at A Taste of Local Authors at Owl’s Nest Bookstore in Calgary from 7 pm to 9 pm. I’ll be talking about Flashback and answering questions for the audience at what promises to be a very exciting event. You can check out the new releases from nine local authors, in genres including mainstream fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance and paranormal romance. The... read more
May 26, 2015
Working for Free: Part Five – Taking a Gamble
It may of course be very tempting to offer to work for free when you’re starting out, especially if you’re trying to build a reputation as a writer or in your chosen profession. However, you’re also likely to frequently be asked to provide your services at no charge. Sometimes, you may feel insulted, at other times just slightly annoyed, but you still need to be able to respond appropriately to... read more
May 24, 2015