Jun 18, 2015
Working for Free: Part Eleven – Friends and Family
Friends and family present their own unique challenges when it comes to working free. You may feel obligated to help some people because you’re friends. However, it’s important to remember that financial issues often cause the most serious disagreements between friends. It can be tricky to refuse close friends, but to avoid endangering your relationship, it might be wise to create a document, either... read more
Jun 15, 2015
Working for Free: Part Ten – Worthy Causes
Many of us make charitable donations, whether it’s giving money to well known campaigns regarding breast cancer, diabetes or some other medical condition or contributing to sporting events, such as marathons or sponsored runs and walks, that raise money. Professionals are also sometimes asked to donate their time and talents to a worthy cause. Authors are often asked to donate books to libraries or... read more
Jun 11, 2015
Working for Free: Part Nine – Everyone’s Doing It
Clients always seem to have plenty of reasons why your working for free is a great idea. They don’t have a budget, they can trade you something, it’s for a worthy cause, and so on. People may still be resentful even if you have a valid reason for refusing to give anything away. They may tell you that there are lots of other people who will do the work for nothing or for a lower price than you. If the... read more
Jun 6, 2015
Working for Free: Part Eight – Fair Trades?
A common theme in the working for free saga is the offer of a trade. In many walks of life this might actually be worthwhile. Your profession and that of the client might be complimentary. Or they may just be offering to trade your time and talent for something that you’d like to have, whether or not its related to what you do for a living. However, this might also be an item that you either don’t... read more
Jun 6, 2015