
The Respiratory System

HTHBW-Respiratory-SystemThe respiratory system is one of the 12 systems that comprise the human body. Through the process of breathing, the respiratory system provides the body’s cells with the oxygen they need when we breathe in. The system also takes away the waste product called carbon dioxide when we breathe out.

The Respiratory System is part of the How the Human Body Works series from Weigl Publishers. This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more.

Published by Weigl Publishers

Release Date: August 2014

ISBN 10: 1489611797 ISBN 13: 978-1489611796

Ages 9-12     Grades 4-6



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